My name is Bella Lack and I am a 15 year old conservationist and environmentalist. I write my blog to engage others in issues that I feel passionately about, especially those related to animals and the environment. I hope you enjoy it. :)

May 22, 2018

The light had waned until the sky was a deep navy-blue.

We stood in the warm twilight of Borneo, in the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation centre in Sabah. The orang-utans had made their nests for the night and the piercing wails of the cicadas that started at sunset wer...

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My name is Bella Lack. I'm a 15 year old environmentalist and conservationist. I write my blog to share my passion and love of the natural world and to engage others in issues that I feel hold great importance. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Call From The Wild



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