My name is Bella Lack and I am a 15 year old conservationist and environmentalist. I write my blog to engage others in issues that I feel passionately about, especially those related to animals and the environment. I hope you enjoy it. :)

July 12, 2019

Deep set beady eyes peer from folds of thick leather skin. They close slowly in a leisurely, ponderous blink. Nostrils flare with each warm, damp exhalation, causing a slight rise of the stubby nasal horn that rests on those cavernous nostrils. I stare at this primitiv...

May 22, 2018

The light had waned until the sky was a deep navy-blue.

We stood in the warm twilight of Borneo, in the Sepilok Orangutan Rehabilitation centre in Sabah. The orang-utans had made their nests for the night and the piercing wails of the cicadas that started at sunset wer...

March 4, 2018

What do you think of when I say the word ‘zoo’? It is most likely that you envision majestic elephants, regal lions, and troops of cackling monkeys. 

 But what you didn’t SEE was the elephant’s broken heart as she so desperately desires to be with and around her ow...

February 15, 2018

Imagine this. Ann is the last of her lineage, she has no sisters, brothers, cousins, aunts or uncles. She is essentially the only human being (able to reproduce) on earth to contain the genes that have been created from an amalgam of hundreds of thousands of her ancest...

December 19, 2017

 I am 15 years old and I founded Animal Warriors out of a deep-seated desire to encourage people to show compassion and empathy for other species. Moreover, to cherish the living creatures that we share our planet with will establish a base of altruism on which we can...

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My name is Bella Lack. I'm a 15 year old environmentalist and conservationist. I write my blog to share my passion and love of the natural world and to engage others in issues that I feel hold great importance. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Call From The Wild



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